By Atlin Merrick
"Any usual advice you can give on doing PR for my book?"
Yes! And also no!

I was asked this question by a writer the other day, and I've got a lot of yes for them (which follows), and a certain amount of no, because there's nothing really 'usual' about promoting a book. Each writer has their own way of engaging with the world, so their usual may not be yours.
That said, the first thing you want to do is know, down deep in your bones, that you are vital to your book's success. Writing is the first part, telling others about it in whatever way comes naturally to you is the second. You have to take part in sharing your work…otherwise why write it?
This four-part series offers some ways you can promote your book; there are so many others, but these are some basics. Be sure, be absolutely sure, to tell your editor or publisher if you have more ideas than the ones you'll read here.
Because they'll want to send you lattes and ponies by air post, that's why. They'll be delighted to learn you want to give a talk at your library, or have a great contest idea, so while this is book promotion for beginners, it's not everything. You're creative – dream stuff up!
And tell us about it here or in the post below. We'd love, love, love to know what you suggest, too.
Shall we begin?