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Improbable Press Blog — Writing Prompts

Dead Mountain (Writing Prompts)

Writing Challenges Writing Prompts

Dead Mountain (Writing Prompts)

Here's a little idea for NaNoWriMo, if you're going to do it: Let it mean anything. I know it stands for National Novel Writing Month but it can also stand for taking those same hours to copy all your digital files onto an external hard drive. Or weeding out old magazines. Or sending out job applications (every cover letter can be part of your word count if you still want to track things that way). What I'm suggesting is don't break yourself this month because you make the rules. So you can change them. And right now things are so...

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A Broken Instrument (Writing Prompts)

Writing Challenges Writing Prompts

A Broken Instrument (Writing Prompts)

Two new people wrote with us! Hello! Do eet again? I love, love, endlessly love to see these prompts through your eyes so please, share again what you see with us? And for anyone who wants a nudge about how to do this, I can highly recommend the JUMP IN WITHOUT THINKING school of writing. You're here. Write. Don't think. Write. Glance at the prompts and the first thing to arrive to your fingers goes on the page. This is by far the easiest way for me to do these and maybe it'll work for you? It's Time to Take...

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If Time Stood Still (Writing Prompts)

Writing Challenges Writing Prompts

If Time Stood Still (Writing Prompts)

As noted previously, some weeks there are story themes and this week's writing prompt, though its dance card was not full (weeps delicately), it tended toward science fictional fills. Contemporary fantasy maybe?Whatever it is, I love these sorts of stories, and I love that you come and share yours here. What a delicious gift, to get something fresh-baked to read each week. Thank you for that.Speaking of 'each week' I thought maybe two weeks between prompts would garner more responses but I think I'll go back to once a week. I enjoy these too and two weeks seems, I don't...

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The Burning Sea (Writing Prompts)

Writing Challenges Writing Prompts

The Burning Sea (Writing Prompts)

Y'know, if you ever wanted to make a prompt for a future Thursday, I'd love to see what you'd create in this approximate style to inspire us. There are no rules on what you should do with these words and images, remember that. If they prompt you to write about a pencil falling in love with a piece of paper, if you never use the word concussion, sea, or coffee, you met the writing challenge anywho, cause here you came and here you wrote. So you do you, I'll do me, and hopefully you're as regularly surprised by what you...

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Take Courage (Writing Prompts)

Writing Challenges Writing Prompts

Take Courage (Writing Prompts)

Another week, another writing challenge for you. Yes this is woeful late but here it is, with unbalanced bees (maybe) and courage, and a fake lawn to make you think real words about…what? Those of you who come to write for these wee prompts, each week do you have an idea already bubbling, or do you look at what I've shared here and think, "I got nuthin"?Me, that's what I'm always thinking. Nuthin'. There's no there, there. No mystery, no fantasy, no story about space aliens or river goddesses or martyrs. I look at what I myself have made and...

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