Improbable Press
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What Can We Do For You?

When I started writing I had a billion 'stupid' questions.

The reason they were stupid is that I didn't ask most of them, so kept making mistakes (and still do).

What does this have to do with why we're writing regular blog entries here at Improbable Press? Easy peasy, we want you to buy our books.

And also…

…we want to help you create, if we can. How can we do that?

Got questions? Ask 'em.

Want pep talks? Stand back once I start because whoa and damn I'm peppy.

Like links and resources? We got those.

Photos of naked butt? That could be arranged.

Comment. Please. Tell us what you want to see here. If you don't, what you'll get from me is a lot of shouty encouragement. If I don't vent that stuff regularly my hair bursts into flame and that's problematic.

Comment. If you don't I'll probably also muse on why no one in this town wants to make me extra-hot lattes, and how come London is across an ocean from me right now.

Comment. Be part of this. Share things with others who comment, things you know to be useful or interesting or kind.

Comment. Tell us where you wrote a review of one of our books so that we can buss you about the head and shoulders, shouting glee.

If you want to read these blogs we want you to get something out of it. So please tell us what you want and we'll try to give that to you.

Otherwise I'mma shout motivationally. I may break out pom-poms.

P.S. Please review any of our books! AmazonUS and AmazonUK. One, two, three, four stars are very okay, anything's a help as we prepare to send press releases out about A Murmuring of Bees. Thank you!

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