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Improbable Press Blog

#Own Voices – What It Means to Us

#OwnVoices Atlin Merrick Own Voices

#Own Voices – What It Means to Us

By Atlin Merrick I like labels. No, that's wrong, I like labels which help. Lots start out that way, but some labels are turned, used to marginalize, belittle, other. The ones that help though? Oh, the clarity they can bring, the community they can create. This is why I like the #OwnVoices label, a hashtag which popped up on Twitter a few years ago. At its simplest Own Voices means that if your main character identifies as part of a minority group, you the writer are also part of that group. If an author identifies their story as Own Voices,...

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6 Ways for Extroverts (and everyone else) to Promote Their Book

Atlin Merrick Book Promotion Publishing Reference

6 Ways for Extroverts (and everyone else) to Promote Their Book

By Atlin Merrick Just like 5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book, this title is misleading. These are ways everyone can promote their book, but they do favor the extrovert. If you're shy you can still do any or all of these, only you might start small. Super small. You-and-your-writing-group small. For those more inclined to leap, the following six ideas may be great ways for you to promote your book! Promoting Your Book:Cons/conferences | Book parties | Radio | Contests | Libraries/Bookshops | Collateral Conventions and conferences Wrote a mystery novel? A supernatural tale? A romance? There's...

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First Page Friday (On Wednesday) with Strangest Day So Far

First Page Friday GV Pearce Strangest Day So Far

First Page Friday (On Wednesday) with Strangest Day So Far

1 A close encounter with a surface-to-air missile is going to ruin anyone's day. This is especially true when the person involved is strapped into a parachute harness, several thousand feet above enemy terrain, in the middle of the night. For as long as he could remember, Ronan's personal philosophy had been 'you can't plan for everything, but you should still try to plan for anything.' That approach to life had saved his arse more times than he could count. Still, he'd always known the day would come when his plans reached their limit. How unfortunate that he was reaching...

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A Short Story is a Seed: Plant as Many as You Can

Atlin Merrick Call for Submissions Short Stories Tips for Selling Your Writing

A Short Story is a Seed: Plant as Many as You Can

By Atlin Merrick I was editing an anthology some years ago and the book needed one more story to round it out, but needed it fast. I reached out to a writer I knew through their online writing and asked if they wanted to write a short story for us quick. They said yes, so I told them the parameters – theme, length, due date. Then something happened. A rare thing. A good thing. The writer sent us exactly what we asked for. The theme, the length, on the date it was due. The publisher bought the story and do...

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5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book

Atlin Merrick Book Promotion Publishing Reference

5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book

By Atlin Merrick First, that title is a little misleading – these are easy ways for everyone to promote their book, but they do favor the shy. If you're ever, ever not clear on how to move forward with self-promotion know that you can talk to your publisher. They can't read minds and they really want to help you because it helps them. Producing a book – ebook or paperback – is a pricey endeavor; publishers want to make their money back and share your great words with the world. So talk to them! Promoting Your Book:Social media | Newspapers...

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