Sebastian Jack

Sebastian Jack was born into an Italian- and Japanese-American family, which means he can’t do math and doesn’t like tomatoes, but at least he has good hair (which is more than can be said of his cat).
He is a bilateral above-knee amputee and full-time wheelchair user – something he frequently misattributes to “extreme body modification” in order to peacock in front of other goths.
Two of Jack's tattoos were inspired by books (not their film adaptations) and in a bind, he can make himself understood in High Sith.
Sebastian lives on the top of a mountain in Park City, UT, with his wife and their Sphynx cat named Chuck, and is the author of the near-future novel Electric Blue.
(Sebastian is the author, not Chuck. Cats don't write.)
Praise for Sebastian Jack
"Sebastian Jack assembles these individual pieces into
something new and wholly beautiful. I'm grateful to have read it"
— James Dick
on Electric Blue
"Sebastian Jack has come straight out of
the starting gate with a fantastic debut novel"
— Narrelle M Harris
on Electric Blue