Clamour and Mischief
A clamour of rooks. A mischief of magpies.
A storytelling of crows.
All the corvids – the rooks and ravens, jays and jackdaws, crows and magpies – have the best collective nouns. A parliament and a party. Tidings and titterings, bands and trains. An unkindness.
Clamour and Mischief brings a veritable storytelling to these corvidae, this bird family known for intelligence, cunning and connection with folklore and urban legends. Our storytellers come from around the world and include award-winning and shortlisted writers, as well as fledgling authors in their professional debut.
This anthology’s sixteen striking stories, edited by Narrelle M Harris, are imbued with the humour, darkness, wisdom and magic of the birds which inspired them. Take them as a jest, a guide, or a warning – but don't, whatever you do, ignore them!
Stories and authors include:
• Alex Marchant: Watchers
• Dannye Chase: Branwen and the Three Ravens
• Eugen Bacon: Sleuthing for a Cause
• Gabiann Marin: Quoth the Raven
• Geneve Flynn: The Past is not a Present
• George Ivanoff: Murder of Crows
• GV Pearce: All That Glitters
• Jack Fennell: The Song of Crows
• Jason Franks: The Language of Birds
• Katya de Becerra: The Jackdaw Maiden
• Lee Murray: Kūpara and Tekoteko
• Narrelle M Harris: Seven for a Secret
• Raymond Gates: Once upon a Midnight
• Reuben White: The Girl and the Crow
• RJK Lee: Build Another Nest for Phantom Feathers
• Tamara M Bailey: The Devil's Teeth
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