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We Want Free Books to Read — #Lockdownreading

#lockdownreading Atlin Merrick

First, we have two free ebooks for you and then we'll tell you about more!

Now, over on Twitter there's a hash tag, go check it out: #lockdownreading

While it doesn't point to just free books it's a resource that may carry you over for right now.

That's what we're going to do here over the next couple days, only we want to share what's free out there, so do us all a favour in these trying times when we need words to help us daydream, learn, feel connected, or to nest away in comfort:

Tell us how to download your free book!

Your book can be long or short, fiction or non, it can be about one topic or all of 'em, just tell us where we can download the ebook (do you have epub and mobi/Kindle?), and we'll share the links here.

Or maybe you want to drop the URL over on my Twitter, where I hope to share as many free books for #lockdownreading as I can.

What's Your Lockdown Reading?

In the meantime, what're you reading right now? Got any recommendations? Why do you love that book? Or that fic? What's it doing for you right now — helping hope? Hiding you away? Lifting your gaze?

Right now I'm finding it much easier to read for my masters degree. Ordinarily sitting down with endless journal articles recommended by a lecturer is a trial but…

…I'm studying this for a reason, aren't I? So I've found it a marvelous distraction to dig in to the ethics-related content we have vis-a-vis science, technology and marketing. I have appreciated greatly that Trinity never leaves off the ethical side of digital marketing and social media.

Hmmm, do you sense a connection? Learning more about morals in a socially stressful time?

What is your great, free #lockdownreading?

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