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Improbable Press Blog — Podfics

Interview: Sherlock Podficcer Aranel Parmadil

Aranel Parmadil Audiobooks Janet Anderton Art Podfics

Interview: Sherlock Podficcer Aranel Parmadil

Aranel Parmadil has been part of the Sherlock Holmes fandom for years, and has recorded nearly one hundred podfics of all sorts of Sherlock fan fiction. Though she's a tremendously busy academic in Wales and England, she shared with Improbable Press how she got into recording the stories she loves, and how she feels about her newest venture: Recording audiobooks for Improbable Press, starting with our first book The Night They Met by Atlin Merrick. Aranel, you are so busy teaching full-time in Wales and short courses at Oxford, how on earth did you get into doing podfics? I needed...

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