Electric Blue
"Holy hell is it a tight read! About as fine an example of pacing and character development as I've seen"
Hephaestus Forge Biotech crafts the gods of tomorrow.
Manufacturing prosthetic limbs and bespoke organs, Hephasestus is represented by double-leg amputee spokesmodel Cymbre Archer. But a lifetime in the spotlight and wearing company tech has taken its toll on Archer, body and soul, and she's now addicted to painkillers and prone to violent outbursts.
Then her assistant steals a robot from the company's labs and asks her to hide it. Blindsided when a living man arrives on her doorstep, Archer finds that Caelan brings with him an unexpected humanity – and the desperate need for a savior.
Archer's no hero, and though she's not the savior Cael needs, it turns out she's the best one he's got, in Sebastian Jack's near-future novel Electric Blue.
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Praise for Electric Blue
"I wasn't expecting was just how full of heart this novel is…
as a writer, I was taking furious notes"
— James Dick
"A fantastic book. Found-family near-future high-tech
fast-paced anti-capitalist gender-bending
thinking-robot-in-disguise thriller!"
"Compulsive reading; witty, sharp, humane and
wonderfully human. Absolute magic!"
— Narrelle M Harris
— Tony D