Tessa Barding
Born and raised southwest of Frankfurt, Germany, Tessa loves stories of all kinds and genres and those that are still missing in her collection, she writes herself.

Tessa Barding works in an admin position on management level and thus has the best seat in the house where study material and ideas are concerned. Tessa mostly writes in English but also works on finding her German storytelling voice. When she’s not certain if something sounds true, she reads her texts aloud to her guinea pigs but strongly suspects them of being ignorant to her writer’s worries.
Tessa Barding also has a story in Improbable Press' anthology A Murmuring of Bees.
Praise for Tessa Barding
I’m hoping Tessa Barding will consider bringing
more of [her] John and Sherlock to us!"
— Narrelle M Harris