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Improbable Press Blog — Disability

Sebastian Jack’s Guide to Writing Characters with Physical Disabilities

Disability Sebastian Jack Sebastian Jack’s Guide to Writing Characters with Physical Disabilities

Sebastian Jack’s Guide to Writing Characters with Physical Disabilities

By Sebastian Jack Hi! My name is Sebastian Jack, I’m a bilateral, above-knee amputee, and I use a wheelchair full-time. 15% of the world’s population (one billion people!) live with some form of disability. One fifth of them (between 110 – 190 million people) experience significant or profound disability. So, why don’t 15% of our fictional characters have disabilities? If you’re interested in writing complex, nuanced, disabled characters, here are some tips to get you started in the right direction! First things first: What is your character’s disability, and how did they acquire it? Do they have an amputation? If...

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Disability, Differently-Abled and the Weight of Words

Atlin Merrick Differently-albled Disability Disabled Diversity in Fiction

Improbable Press' submission guidelines used to ask for works about differently-abled characters. That phrase, differently-abled, was mine and with it I wanted to include my friend with almost-daily migraines, a person with chronic anxiety or depression, as well as people in wheelchairs or with limb differences. Disabled Fiction, Differently-Abled Fiction…Or? The thing is, I didn't research at all what phrasing was appropriate, and I did not ask disabled people for their thoughts on the phrasing, and then a disabled woman kindly dropped me an email to tell me that overall, disabled people use the word disabled. I did do some...

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