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6 Ways for Extroverts (and everyone else) to Promote Their Book

Atlin Merrick Book Promotion Publishing Reference

6 Ways for Extroverts (and everyone else) to Promote Their Book

By Atlin Merrick Just like 5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book, this title is misleading. These are ways everyone can promote their book, but they do favor the extrovert. If you're shy you can still do any or all of these, only you might start small. Super small. You-and-your-writing-group small. For those more inclined to leap, the following six ideas may be great ways for you to promote your book! Promoting Your Book:Cons/conferences | Book parties | Radio | Contests | Libraries/Bookshops | Collateral Conventions and conferences Wrote a mystery novel? A supernatural tale? A romance? There's...

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5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book

Atlin Merrick Book Promotion Publishing Reference

5 Ways for Shy People to Promote Their Book

By Atlin Merrick First, that title is a little misleading – these are easy ways for everyone to promote their book, but they do favor the shy. If you're ever, ever not clear on how to move forward with self-promotion know that you can talk to your publisher. They can't read minds and they really want to help you because it helps them. Producing a book – ebook or paperback – is a pricey endeavor; publishers want to make their money back and share your great words with the world. So talk to them! Promoting Your Book:Social media | Newspapers...

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11 Ways to Promote Your Book (Even When You're Shy)

Atlin Merrick Promoting Your Book Publishing Reference

11 Ways to Promote Your Book (Even When You're Shy)

By Atlin Merrick "Any usual advice you can give on doing PR for my book?" Yes! And also no! I was asked this question by a writer the other day, and I've got a lot of yes for them (which follows), and a certain amount of no, because there's nothing really 'usual' about promoting a book. Each writer has their own way of engaging with the world, so their usual may not be yours. That said, the first thing you want to do is know, down deep in your bones, that you are vital to your book's success. Writing is...

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Super Secret Tips For Getting Your Short Story Published

Atlin Merrick Publishing Reference

Super Secret Tips For Getting Your Short Story Published

By Atlin Merrick Super secret tips! GETCHER SUPER SECRET TIPS RIGHT HEAH! *Ahem* Okay, here's a thing: Improbable Press (IP) is putting together a new anthology, and delightfully someone emailed asking if I had any super secret tips on how they could get their story accepted for it. BOY HOWDY YES. Super Secret Tips For Getting Your Short Story Published Actually, there aren't tips plural, there is tip, as in one, and that is this: Get out your magnifying glass. Squink one eye closed. Then peer through that glass at the submission guidelines for the anthology. I'm talkin' close. Read...

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The Big, Big Difference Between Self-Publishing, a Vanity Press and a Small Press

Atlin Merrick Publishing Reference

The Big, Big Difference Between Self-Publishing, a Vanity Press and a Small Press

By Atlin Merrick Spoiler alert in the first paragraph! The difference between vanity presses and small presses is you pay the first one to work with you, and the second one pays you to work with them. That's mostly it. Or let's put it another way: with a vanity press or self-publishing, you assume most of the risk of publishing your book. When you work with a small press, they assume most of the risk of publishing your book. If you self-publish or use a vanity press you call the shots because you're paying. You decide if your book is...

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