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Improbable Press Blog — Valentine's Day

Please Yourself

Janet Anderton Art Valentine's Day Wendy C. Fries

Please Yourself

Desire is a funny old thing. Especially women's desire. Wait? What? Women have…desire? Really? So. A couple years ago. In London. I went to the Wellcome Collection's exhibit on sex. The exhibit covered many things, including the Masters & Johnson and Kinsey studies on human sexuality. For this exhibit the Wellcome summarised some of the findings of that research and one of the key findings of both studies, one of the main touted revelatory findings was: Women have sexual desire. Holy god damned hell I flew so far off the handle after I read that that I may still be...

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The Allure of Victorian Underthings

Valentine's Day Victoriana

The Allure of Victorian Underthings

I don’t know who first said "A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men," but a lot of truth resides in that aphorism. On the other hand, don’t ever think that lingerie is not also to women what it is to men. Alluring and erotic. Delicious and sexy. Something flimsy, sheer and sleek to hide/display curves and hollows, to conceal and reveal delicate skin, growing heat. Sensuous fabrics to tease arousal and make pulse-racing promises of pleasure to come. Oh hell yeah, for a lot of people, lingerie is sexy as, on men as well as women....

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